Katie Newlove

Resource SpecializationGlobal Health and Nutrition
Region SpecializationNorth America
HometownOttawa, Canada

I joined GRS because I like how I can shape my degree into how I best see fit to make the changes that I want to make in my future career as a food system professional.

My favorite course at UBC has been LFS 250 because it opened my eyes to what a sustainable food system can look like, and ultimately led me to find GRS so that I can focus my learning on this.

My dream is to open a café that promotes food security and food sovereignty and reduces food waste through suppliers and other various initiatives, such as subsidized meals.

I like that I can choose courses that I am genuinely interested in and that I know will benefit me in my future career, rather than just taking courses for the sake of meeting requirements. It enables me to think about what kind of work I want to do in the future and helps me build my career.

I have been involved at Sprouts Cafe which was a great experience being able to provide low-cost (and sometimes free) meals to the UBC community.