
Dec 2, 2011 First, a big thanks to Roxana, Roger, and everyone else who helped make our last class of the semester a delicious success.  Hopefully we can make this happen again in the future. Here’s a video created by your fellow GRS student Hayley Pipher, inspired by our class visioning exercise: A Vision for GRS A few thoughts on your blogs and discussion postings:
  1. Remember, now that you’ve got your blog set up, it’s your choice how you participate: on the GRS discussion board, on your own blog, or by commenting on your fellow GRS peers blogs (be sure to send me the link if you comment on someone else’s blog though, I’m only able to track the GRS homepage and your personal blog).
  2. Despite what you might think about assigned coursework, the goal of these blogs/postings isn’t to create more work for you.  Our main goal for this course requirement is to enhance the interconnectedness of students in the GRS program.  That means if you’re just finishing up a big term paper, you can share it on your blog.  A brief (200-300 word) description of how this ties into GRS would complete your post, save you time, and let your classmates know about the hard work you’ve been doing all semester.
  3. Photos and links are great, but do not count as postings on their own.  If you choose to post a photo you’ve taken, or link to an interesting video or article, be sure to include a brief (200-300 word) reflection on why this is meaningful to you.
  4. The “How to” section of this website has some really useful entries! For example: Password Retrieval, How to Blog, and the very popular How to Deal with Spam.
  5. The submission deadline for online postings is the last day of exams: Tuesday December 20, 2011. Also, please note that I will have limited internet access after the 10th, so be sure to contact me with any questions (ubcgrs@gmail.com) by the end of the week

Best of luck with your exams and see you in the new year on January 11, 2012.