Term 1 Participation Requirement

There’s been a few requests for clarification on what exactly needs to be done by the 31st of Decemeber, so here’s an update: CLARIFICATION: A minimum of four online contributions is required this semester.  Here is how you can get credit, with one mark for each posting:
  • Producing a blog with a bio page
    • This is a course requirement.  You need to include some sort of description of yourself and your goals for GRS, preferably incorporating a photo of yourself.
    • If you already have a blog from previous GRS semesters, you may choose to post more on your blog, or simply participate in the GRS discussion boards (see links below)
  • Posting on the discussion board
  • Thoughtful postings on your blog
Remember that in order for your blog to be posted (and for you to get credit), you need to send Alisha your blog URL (http://blogs.landfood.ubc.ca/yourblogname).  Thanks! DEADLINE: December 31, 2010

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